Evidence of Evolution Worksheets

Evidence of evolution worksheets that are designed for high school, middle school, and elementary school life science teachers. Evolutionary evidence like fossil worksheets, DNA and amino acid comparison labs teaches students many pieces of evidence for evolution. Vestigal structures like tail bones and homologous structures like hand, wrist, and forarm bones allow students to visualize common ancestry. Click the Free Lesson Plan (PDF) link below or become a member to get access to the answer key and editable file. Free evidence of evolution curriculum includes:
Evidence of Evolution Worksheet Free Lesson Plan (PDF)
Lesson Plan (DOCX) & Answer Key with Membership
High School Worksheet
Students are introduced to evidence of evolution vocabulary terms, and they use those terms to answer questions.NGSS Standard
MS-LS4-2 (Anatomical Structures)
MS-LS4-3 (Embryology)
Published by NGSS Life Science
BLAST Cancer RAS Gene Project Free Lesson Plan (PDF)
Lesson Plan (DOCX) & Answer Key with Membership
High School Project
Students will do a BLAST and learn about how a mutated gene will code for an abnormal protein, affecting the organism’s phenotype.NGSS Standard
Published by NGSS Life Science
Evidence of Evolution Test Question Bank Free Lesson Plan (PDF)
Lesson Plan (DOCX) & Answer Key with Membership
High School Test
Question bank to build assessments. An active membership is required to view questions.NGSS Standard
MS-LS4-1 (Fossils)
MS-LS4-2 (Anatomical Structures)
MS-LS4-3 (Embryology)
Published by NGSS Life Science
The Science of Ape Intelligence Free Lesson Plan
Free Video
High School Multimedia
Student will watch the video about the science of ape intelligence and, after watching, discuss answers to questions related to similarities and differences between intelligence in apes and in humans. Students are first organized into teams to track experiments and field observations. Students then watch the video (online or by DVD) and take notes on their topic. Student next will meet in their groups and fill in the two worksheets. Lastly, student will have a class discussion about the topics discussed.NGSS Standard
MS-LS1-8 (Brain)
Published by Margy Kuntz, NGHT, Inc. and WGBH Educational Foundation
Examining the Fossil Record Lab Free Lesson Plan
High School Lab
Students analyze the characteristics of fossils, organize paper "fossils" to show change over time by developing an evolutionary tree based on the morphology and age of fossils.NGSS Standard
MS-LS4-1 (Fossils)
MS-LS4-2 (Anatomical Structures)
Published by Shannan Muskopf